Friday, March 08, 2013


The massive storm that the weather people have been talking about for about a week, finally landed in Jersey City and the New York metropolitan area.  While most people stayed home, nice & toasty under the covers & sipping hot cocoa, I was braving the walk to the PATH to get to work.

Pretty goddamned beautiful to look @from behind windows & doors, but, hard to navigate without an umbrella; today's snow & rain will hopefully be short-lived as we're expecting 50 degrees tomorrow.
One can only hope that the warm weather will be accompanied by some sun, so we can wear our flip flops instead of our rain boots.

Some time back in February, Phil the groundhog said it was going to be an early spring.
On Saturday night, we have to spring the clock ahead by one hour, for now we're dealing with this crazy weather. Will this finally make converts of those folks that don't believe that we're experiencing unusual weather changes?

These are some of my pictures from my walk to the train. I would have taken more, except it was hard to snap & hold an umbrella. You'll notice they're from a low angle, it wasn't a deliberate artistic choice, that's where my eye line is  for the tree outside my house, Montgomery & Grove, and the Jersey City Hall. Some brave soul actually rode a bicycle today. ... Go figure.

I just googled my own blog & am aghast & horrified @the fact that someone else is actually using the same blog name as yours truly  & it's also a blogspot post!!! Don't they monitor these things for god's sake?
Who else wants to be onecrazycuban? Clearly another cuban, who probably wasn't even  born there...
What to do? Please feel free to comment, if you know...

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