Monday, March 11, 2013

Footbridge progress

This weekend's weather was awesome....sunny, super clear, blue skies and a balmy 50 degrees. The birds were chirping and you could smell spring. I decided to venture into Liberty State Park, even if the footbridge was down.  Here's the first time I've seen the ravaging effects of Sandy on the little footbridge. Prior to this, 2 to 3 police cars guarded  the little bridge's view @the jersey avenue cul-de-sac.

Now, the comforting presence of huge trucks holding cement pilings point towards the rebuilding of the bridge. So, maybe my fantasy of a more solid footbridge might be realized. With spring in the air and hope for a new footbridge, I went the long way into the park.
The  long way is an abandoned road with abandoned structures that sits right under the Turnpike extension and makes room for the Lightrail lines. All this makes for a cool urban playground for skateboarders & those funny little bicycles they love to ride....
I guess all the hipster skateboarders were busy having a hipster Sunday brunch during my LSP tour.
Or maybe they haven't discovered this little piece of Jersey City yet.  

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